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Best rural places to live near raleigh nc
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The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. Big city living isn't for everyone–but at the same time, urban areas certainly have their perks.

There's the culture, the food, the arts, the food, the energy, and you know, the food. But there are drawbacks.

There's traffic, expensive parking, expensive housing–pretty much, expensive everything, depending on which big city you're looking at. But that's where the suburbs come in–they have all of the benefits of being near big cities, without actually having to be big cities.

Of course, not all suburbs of Raleigh are created equally, which is precisely why we set out to find the best ones. So without further ado What's the best suburb of Raleigh?

If you happen to be a resident of Apex, you're probably not too surprised to find it on the top our list. We'll tell you what makes each of these 10 Raleigh 'burbs better than the rest–but first, a bit about our methodology.

Note: This result may differ from our state wide data as we did not include commute times and crime for this analysis to allow for a larger selection of suburbs. Apex is always mentioned as one of the best suburbs in the Raleigh area. We'll tell you the good about "Awesome Apex. And only 4. It ranks 4th for incomes in the area and only 5. Here in Morrisville, it's really safe, and residents are just about as rich as you'll see in the Raleigh metro area.

The bad side? Schools are more crowded, and the cost of living puts a large part of the city out of reach for most families. You won't find many better places to raise your kids in the region than in Holly Springs and the schools are some of the best around.

However, the cost of living here is among the highest in the area. Most residents have great jobs and the unemployment rate sits at 5. According to online reports, Wake Forest is quickly becoming one of the more affluent suburbs in the Raleigh area, meaning you need to get in soon.

Chapel Hill schools are some of the best in the region, and crime is really low. The cost of living makes it a lot more desirable for many families, especially first-time home buyers. Carrboro is growing quickly, and for a good reason. Crime is far below average, and most residents are gainfully employed. Even the cost of living is reasonable. It placed 9th on our list thanks to the fact that it's really expensive to live here, but the schools are great, so you get what you pay for in that regard.

This city is far above average in every category, and the best part? It's far more affordable than the other cities listed above. So, you get a big bang for your buck here. Next 10 Cities. Figuring out the best suburbs around Raleigh was pretty simple; we just needed to list several things that people like, and then find out which cities have the most of those things.

Then we used the newest American Community Survey data for to research each suburb. Additionally, we limited the analysis to places that have over 2, people. This left us with a grand total of 26 suburbs to evaluate around Raleigh. And finally, we crowned the city with the best quality of life index the "Best Suburb near Raleigh. You can download the data here. Read on below to learn more about what it's like to live in the best of the best. Or skip to the end to see the list of all the suburbs ranked from best to worst.

We said it once and we'll say it again–life in the big city isn't for everyone. At least not all the time. So if you're hankering for some of the amenities of a larger city like Raleigh, but don't want to deal with the drawbacks, one of these suburbs might just be for you.

Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move.

If you've been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you've probably stumbled upon his writing already. You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. Vendor List Privacy Policy. Toggle navigation Home Snacks.

This is our ninth time ranking the best Raleigh suburbs. Overall SnackAbility 9. Holly Springs. Wake Forest. Chapel Hill. Overall SnackAbility 7.

Source: Wikipedia User Elizabeth B. Overall SnackAbility 8. About Chris Kolmar Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now.


Best rural places to live near raleigh nc.The 10 Best Durham Suburbs To Live In For 2022


One of the biggest trends in real estate coming this year was driven directly by the Covid pandemic: residents are flocking to smaller, suburban, and even rural communities. In the past two years, homebuyers started heading to the suburbs to trade off proximity to jobs for more luxurious homes with plenty of room to grow.

The biggest tradeoff is moving from a city like Raleigh into a smaller community. Yet, suburbs and smaller communities outside of cities are great options on many levels. While services like public transportation, greenway trails, cultural opportunities, and big city sports are found throughout Raleigh-Durham, these rural communities pack a powerful punch, too. Thinking about buying raleiggh home? Check out this list of local professionals with the Jim Allen Group.

Please Sign In and use this article's on page besy button to print this article. Home Watch. By Jim Allen Group. Mebanewhich was first established inis growing in popularity thanks to the way of life it offers its residents. This city of bext, is centrally best rural places to live near raleigh nc between Durham and Greensboro, opening up opportunities throughout both the Triangle and the Piedmont areas.

Its downtown best rural places to live near raleigh nc district holds regular events designed to revitalize, best rural places to live near raleigh nc, and enhance its history. The event страница hosts numerous annual events for the entire family. Mebane provides its residents with an idyllic small-town experience without sacrificing the big city amenities, which lice close by.

Youngsville has experienced massive growth in recent years, nearly doubling in size in the past 20 years. Yet its population is only around 2, people. This town, found just north of Wake Forest, is a quick 20 minutes from downtown Raleigh, yet it offers the quaint charm of a small, close-knit best rural places to live near raleigh nc.

An array of restaurants and watering holes ro its main raleigj, providing choices like pizza, southern cooking, and sandwiches for every day of the week. Youngsville also has popular historic locations for weddings and meetings thanks to its historic southern architecture, raleigu it a destination for many happy memories. This town of 8, is less than 20 miles nwar Raleigh and its Main Street Vision Plan is designed to по этой ссылке its small-town feel with a distinct town center.

The plan rlaeigh also dedicated to creating a walkable, bikeable downtown to keep its growth safe, and to being an equitable home and business destination for all. Rolesville has annual craft and barbecue festivals for a distinct small-town feel, as well as summer family movie nights and a free, outdoor concert series in the Mill Bridge Nature Park with food trucks to enjoy. The Rolesville nature park also connects to Вами all inclusive wedding venues near asheville nc извиняюсь Wake Forest Parks and Recreation trails for outdoors lovers to enjoy.

Hillsborough is just 12 miles to Chapel Hill and 14 miles to Durham, which makes it a popular destination for residents across the Triangle, and even across the country. This town of nearly 10, people has ealeigh rich history the town celebrates. It was home to the Occaneechi and Eno Indigenous tribes, and today, more than sites spanning from its colonial period through the Civil War, document the deep history of this community.

Hillsborough also draws in artists and writers, as well as fans of agritourism who can tour ti farms. This community is a perfect location for anyone who loves the outdoors thanks to its proximity to Jordan Lake State Recreation Area. Pittsboro also has a variety of unique restaurants: an old-fashioned soda shoppe, a Southern-style fish house, a mc diner, and everything in-between.


Best rural places to live near raleigh nc –


Whether you want to ski, hike, surf, or simply drink sweet tea on a front porch somewhere, North Carolina delivers the goods. From coastal gems packed with history to mountain getaways tucked into rippling, blue-hazed peaks, sweet small towns population: 11, and under can be found in every corner of the state. Here are a dozen of the best small towns in North Carolina, chosen for their laid-back pace, ample natural beauty, and big helping of Southern hospitality.

A stop on the Blue Ridge ParkwayBryson City is best known for its mountain scenery it's adjacent to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and all the outdoor adventure fun that comes with it: hiking, whitewater rafting, tubing, mountain biking, fishing, horseback riding, and even zip lining through the treetops.

There are several hiking opportunities close to the town center, including the beloved Deep Creek area with waterfall trailsrapids, and amazing views of the Smokies. Accommodation options range from motor lodges to secluded cabin rentals to the wellness-oriented Lakeview at Fontana. From its picturesque spot on Albemarle Sound to its many 18th- and 19th-century buildings, Edenton is a romantic getaway in coastal Carolina.

Hop aboard a trolley tour and check out the several historic homes open to the public in the state's first colonial capital and second-oldest town. The Roanoke River Lighthouse, one of the few remaining screw-pile lighthouses in the U.

Stay on theme at a stately Edenton bed-and-breakfast, like Inner Banks Inn. Headed to the mountains? Be sure to visit this Blue Ridge Parkway town and its namesake geological formation — an ancient gneiss outcrop whose rocky bulk causes wind to blow vertically, making objects appear to float skyward. Cone, exploring its 3, acres of highland fields and forests on foot or horseback. Families should add the old-school Tweetsie Railroad to their itinerary, along with zipping down Sugar Mountain on skis or aboard the Wilderness Run roller coaster.

The village itself is a picturesque mountain retreat offering upscale dining, boutique shopping, and charming bed-and-breakfast /6561.txt. A rural paradise for pottery lovers, the tiny community of Seagrove is the beating heart of North Carolina's pottery tradition. Set in the pretty countryside and Uwharrie foothills are dozens more thanby some counts of ceramics shops and studios, many of them with working potters at the wheel.

One such stop is Uwharrie Crystalline, whose pieces are fired with unique crystal-infused glazes. Waterside Manteo's most obvious selling point might be its proximity to the great Outer Banks. The Roanoke Island village is a gateway best rural places to live near raleigh nc Nags Head, Hatteras, and other prime destinations on the best rural places to live near raleigh nc chain.

But while most beach towns are little more than an endless strip of big, stilted vacation rentals, this storied location brims with antique shops, waterfront eateries, and elegant bed-and-breakfasts — some, like White Doe Inngraced with National Register of Historic Places distinction.

Speaking of history, there's a lot of it here. Roanoke Island was the site of the mysterious Lost Colony, an English settlement that vanished in the s.

With fewer than 3, residents, this 19th-century mountain town has a laid-back neighborhood feel. Along with Dillsboro, Sylva's even smaller neighbor to the west, Sylva attracts outdoor enthusiasts looking to hike in the Smokies and raft or tube down the Tuckasegee River. Between excursions, there are breweries, antique stores, and mom-and-pop spots — quirky Lulu's on Main has been a go-to for decades.

This small town is approximately a minute drive from Best rural places to live near raleigh nc and Chapel Hill, but it feels worlds away from its college-student-filled neighbors.

The historic buildings along Hillsborough's main street harbor a lively food and drink scene, including cozy trattoria Panciuto and an outpost of the ever-popular Weaver Street Market. Drive out to Maple View Farm Ice Cream for old-fashioned milkshakes and rocking-chair views of the pretty countryside. With its dreamy coastal scenery, this little riverside destination shines for small-town charm and relaxing outdoor recreation.

Kayak or paddleboard on the Pamlico River, post up on a pier to reel in fresh and saltwater fish, and meander down the Palmetto Boardwalk and the nature trails of Goose Creek State Park whose marshes and bogs were once preferred hiding spots for the pirate Blackbeard.

Then, poke around the historic waterfront and wind down with crab cakes, Southern fried shrimp, and other coastal Carolina specialties. At 4, feet above sea level, Highlands has long since the s served as a summertime best rural places to live near raleigh nc for Carolina and Georgia residents escaping the intense heat and humidity. The cooler temps and gorgeous mountain scenery still pull in vacationers looking to hike, relax, and repeat.

The local natural beauty is especially rich in waterfalls, like the walk-behind Dry Falls roaring, despite the name and the spectacular Cullasaja River Gorge, both located in Nantahala National Forest. Within easy driving distance of the Triangle Raleigh, Durham, Chapel HillPittsboro puts visitors in a quiet, convenient location with lots of local character.

After exploring easygoing trails and sandy beaches best rural places to live near raleigh nc Jordan Lake, enjoy a meal at The Fearrington House Restaurantwidely considered to be one of the best fine-dining spots in the state. The park and its 2, backcountry acres feature all of the mountain splendor you would expect spruce forests, ridgeline trailsbut also some unique attractions, such as the iconic mile-high Swinging Bridge.

A cool 5, feet. Banner Elk town offers bed-and-breakfast accommodations, cozy cafes and taverns, local wineries and breweries, and working farms open for tours — say hello to the adorable alpacas and angora goats at Apple Hill Farm. Mount Airy, a. Its main attractions, including the darling historic downtown, the Andy Griffith Museumand the Mayberry Replica Courthouse, are all centered around the classic '60s sitcom and its Mount Airy-born star. Keep things retro by browsing antique stores, digging into diner fare at Leon's Burger Express, stopping for a picnic and a game of cornhole along the riverside park, читать статью staying in one of the town's grand old bed-and-breakfasts.

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– The Best Places To Live Near Raleigh, NC | Cedar Management

From its picturesque spot on Albemarle Sound to its bes 18th- and 19th-century buildings, Edenton is /5331.txt romantic getaway in coastal Carolina. Check here for pplaces best prices and availability on Hotels in North Carolina. Five Points is the ideal place to live for individuals looking for a culturally diverse experience while still being able to easily commute to work in Raleigh. You can find out more and change our default settings with Cookies Settings. In the past two years, homebuyers started heading to the suburbs to trade off proximity to neae for more luxurious homes with plenty of room to grow. Carrboro is located approximately 31 miles northwest of Raleigh and directly west of Chapel Hill. Apex is right at the edge of moving into non-small town best rural places to live near raleigh nc and that makes me sad.